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Safety Policy

  • Demonstrate visible and active leadership that engages our clientele, employees and sub­contractors and manages Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) performance as a line responsibility with clear authorities and accountabilities.

  • Ensure that all clientele, employees and sub-contract employees understand that working safely is a condition of employment and that they are responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them.

  • Provide clientele, employees with the capabilities, knowledge, and resources necessary to instill personal ownership and motivation to achieve HSE excellence.

  • Provide relevant Safety and Health information to clientele, employees, sub-contractors and require them to provide proper training for the safe & environmentally sound performance of their work.

  • Provide and maintain safe and healthful working conditions, and to follow operating practices that will safeguard all clientele and employees, secure working conditions and efficient operation.

  • Strive for continual improvement of our health and safety management system and our performance by setting challenging goals and targets, monitoring our performance, and celebrating our successes.

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